Introducing The Biotone Project, an innovative series of experiments designed to develop a groundbreaking sound. This new sonic paradigm introduces the “exomelodic”—a fusion of tonal and percussive elements combined into a single audio file. Alongside this fresh concept, you’ll discover captivating melodic compositions, dynamic percussion loops, and versatile vocal samples ready for sampling.
This Multi-Kit Sample Pack includes:
10 original compositions
75 unique “exomelodic” texture sounds
33 percussion loops and one-shot samples
34 creatively crafted vocal samples
The vocal collection features a blend of processed and raw elements, including 20 fully processed vocal ideas and 14 unprocessed voice memos. These unrefined recordings are perfect for manipulation, allowing for endless creative exploration.
All sounds and samples in this kit are royalty-free for up to 1,000,000 streams or unless used for major placements. Sample clearance is guaranteed. For more information, contact:
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